Like many people that stopped by my desk at the show office at Nationals, Ondi just needed a bit of information. Rather than exhibiting at the show, Ondi—like many others—came to Tulsa to look for a horse. What better location to shop than where hundreds of Arabian horse owners, breeders and trainers are gathered in one place!

Ondi was on the hunt for an Arabian or Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure horse and when she said those words to me, I had the perfect way to help her out. That’s because just a short stroll away from my desk was the Arabian Hunter Pleasure Association booth where one of the AHPA founders (and current president) Samantha Hilliard was in the process of setting up. After a super fast introduction, I headed back to my station at the show office. I KNEW Sam would take good care of Ondi and boy did she ever.

A couple of days later Ondi stopped back by to tell me she found the perfect prospect—Psaxy And Iknowit. Sired by Psax++ he was bred by Evangaline Miller and came to the show with his owner Laurie Taylor Graham and trainer Grant Krohn! Grant’s pretty happy too because Ondi and handsome Psaxy will continue training at Krohn Show Horses LLC!
Wishing Ondi the very best of luck as she joins our Arabian horse tribe with Psaxy!
Want to learn more about the Arabian Hunter Pleasure Association? Established in 2016, it's dedicated to promoting Arabian and Half-Arabian Hunter Pleasure horses. They organized Jackpot and Futurity classes with serious payback, Youth grants and fun ways to spread good cheer like their popular Luck Ponies!
Check them out on Facebook or at their website at