Jesse and Lee Chase came into the 2021 Arabian Nationals already knowing that it would (probably) be both the first and last Nationals for Lee on Outa Cyte. Why? Because like any horse girl worth her salt, Lee sort of “stole” her Daddy’s horse. Says Lee, “ ‘Maverick’s’ original purpose in life was to simply be a trail horse for my Dad, Douglas Cary. Jesse put a couple of months and some miles on him and he realized this little horse had way more heart and ability than ‘just a trail horse.’ We figured we would take him to a few shows for the experience and exposure—and then we asked if we could take him to just one more show—US Nationals! Being the absolute most generous person that he is, Dad said ‘Sure”. His response might have been just a little reluctant because he may have suspected that he would never get his horse back for his own enjoyment!

Happily, after earning two National Championships (PB Herd Work Futurity and PB Reining Rookie) and Two National Top Tens (PB Ranch Rail Open and PB Ranch Rail AATR) Maverick has indeed made it home to Doug’s place in Virginia.

However, one need not feel too sorry for Lee for having to relinquish ‘Maverick’s’ reins to her Dad. Because besides being the site of the best that Arabian and Half Arabian competition has to offer, US Nationals is also the place where many horses begin the next chapter in their lives with a new owner. Watch for another post because Lee and husband Jesse had to be grinning from ear to ear when they loaded up a new member of the Cary team to head home to North Carolina!