The plan for yesterday was to halter both Mulan and Mushu for some spray bottle practice. They've both had this lesson (using plain water in a spray bottle) but it's been a couple of days and while we sprayed the chest and legs, we hadn't moved to the back legs yet. Mulan was just a little naughty for the front end, but came around quickly...but the back legs were an entirely different story. Mike just kept spraying until she realized that he wasn't going to stop....until she settled down....and then, one more spray and she was finished. Obviously, Mushu wanted to be the star student but had to wait his turn.

While not happy about it Mulan is okay with the brushing of her body. And the queer coat color is because early in the spring, Mulan got a lesson with the clippers when it was REALLY hot and muggy. We got her half shaved and then never got back to finishing the job! Shows how much her coat color changed! And of course, Mushu's curious about everything!

However, Mulan's not really happy about even a soft brush on her face yet, and it look like Mini (who is Mushu' Mama) felt like she needed to explain things to Mulan. Obviously, Frosty (who is Mulan's mom) was plenty happy to leave this sort of stuff to Mini to handle and spent most of her time trying to get the gate open.

Even though Mulan's been sprayed before, she was resisting the lead rope so that was a great opportunity to practice the "release from pressure" lessons.

And of course, Mushu decided to be a show off. However, it doesn't mean that he knows how to release to actual pressure any better yet. Since our session with Mulan went longer than expected, Mushu will get a turn tomorrow.

Mulan definitely thinks Mushu wants to be the "teachers pet" lol.

Mulan's okay with having her front half sprayed with fly spray.

The back legs, not so much. Much drama ensued.

But she got over herself quickly!
Next time, Mushu's lessons!