"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do"---a simple statement that says volumes. In times of crisis, there are always ways that everyone can do something to help. Don't think that any amount or action is too small to make a difference. Just like individual drops of rain can become a deluge, so acts of the acts of generosity, from the grandest to the smallest WILL help everyone get through tough times!

For over a decade the Arabian Horsemen's Distress Fund has been there to help out in times of crisis. COVID19 is just the latest.
The Arabian Horsemen's Distress Fund is grateful and humbled to announce that an anonymous benefactor is donating funds to establish assistance earmarked for professionals within the Arabian horse show community whose income has been disrupted by the current quarantines and subsequent show cancellations due to COVID 19. Sincerest thanks to this anonymous donor, one who has walked within the Arabian community for much of their life, for your largesse and concern for the horsemen's community during this time of crisis.
This earmarked campaign will be managed and allocated in a different way from the standard protocol of the fund, in that it is aimed at horse show professionals, versus the entire Arabian horse community. Funds will be written out to qualified individuals directly to use as needed rather than having the fund pay bills approved by the board of directors for necessities.
Assistance will be in the form of a one-time stipend, with each stipend not to exceed $1300. It is available to trainers as well as other horse show related professionals, including show secretaries, independent contractors, etc. There will be a separate application which will be available at www.horsemensdistressfund.com beginning Monday. You’ll find the application as an item under the “About AHDF” tab. Look for Professional COVID 19 Assistance Application. You can also request the application by emailing Mary Trowbridge at mary@trowbridgesltd.com. Of course, the fund continues to be available during this time for all Arabian horse community members experiencing extreme difficulty during this time of crisis.
For the next for the next sixty days this campaign will have additional support from some of the most creative teams in the business as National Horseman Arabian magazine, Howard Schatzberg (Osteen/Shatsberg Photography) and Jeff Janson Photography are all donating a percentage of their profits to AHDF! Truly, we are blessed with thousands and thousands of Horsemen Who Help.
To support this earmarked campaign and/or the overall mission of the AHDF to all members of the Arabian horse community, please go to www.horsemensdistressfund.com.
Arabian Horsemen’s Distress Fund Board members: Mary Trowbridge, Stan Morey Hallmark Farms, Bob Nash, GT Schramm, Mary Jane Brown Van Jacobsen