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Writer's pictureKathy Troxler

An Evening With Dancing Horses

It's amazing what we can do with a bit of cooperation, creativity and guts!

Example...the Arabian Costume Musical Presentation at the 2002 National Western Stock Show was organized by Sandy Pence and was choreographed by Barbara Gardner!

Arabian Horse Quadrille 2002 National Western Stock Stock Dancing Horses

Twelve very well trained costume horses (both Purebreds and Half Arabians) ridden by a mix of professionals, amateur and youth riders, all of whom gave up a couple of Sundays to get together for some intense composition and practice rides.

2002 Arabian Horse Quadrille at the National Western Stock Show Dancing Horses performance

I have never been as nervous as I was that night as that gate went open—knowing that if I messed up, it wasn't just my ride that was affected. Because of the very tight choreography and speed, any error by any one of us would screw up the other eleven riders and horses. There are amazing equestrian groups that perform these types of rides all the time, but this wasn’t the case. None of these horses (and as far as I know, none of these riders) had ridden as a “drill team” ever before. This gig was a “one-off”! My only regret? We didn't have a photographer or videographer lined up! That's why these photos are such low resolution, but they're some of my most treasured photos none the less. And it's thanks to our good friend Jeff Janson that the photos exist at all as Mike literally through a camera at Jeff (who was there as a spectator and never dreamed that we'd need photos) and said, please get some photos! Three "Team Trox" horses are among these twelve. Empyrean daughters (My Echoing dream and MK Enya) and the third was Team Treasure, Deianira KA. For this project, fantastic trainer Diane Underwood took Dee for a couple of weeks and rode her in this event.

Arabian Horse Quadrille 2002 National Western Stock Stock Dancing Horses

Leading the formation above, LA Flynn on Half Arabain, Strikes Winterhawk. I'm behind and to the left on My Echoing Dream and Suzi Boyle on Royal Pandaprince is to the right.

While the actual rides remain a complete blur, I do recall thinking about 3/4 of the way through..."this is actually going to work"! The other very vivid memory was during the rehearsal with the spot lights....Dean Stankovic can flat ride—even while bareback with a halter being chased by a spot light. We were all very happy that he and his pony pulled up before jumping onto the risers!

Arabian Horse Quadrille 2002 National Western Stock Stock Dancing Horses

Help me out people! There were twelve of us! Who are the two I’m missing? Diane Underwood, LA Flynn, Mike Troxler, Kathy Troxler, Suzi Boyle, Mark Boyle, Ashley Cameron, Nichole Lombardi Piercey, Lisa Bucknam Prince, Caroline Scott and Dean Stankovic.

Arabian Qaudrille riders and horses doing the meet and greet

Riders and horses doing the meet and greet with the audience afte

I don’t have the names of all the horses involved but they include: Deainaria KA, Strikes Winterhawk, MK Enya, My Echoing Dream+, Fortunate Moromaxx+/, Beau Bey, Jett Fire +//, Royal Pandaprince+++//. If you know who I'm missing, please let me know so I can add them!

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