This is one of my very favorite Michael Troxler photos and he took this image on an artistic journey. From the most modern of ancient of art forms— DSLR photography—to the most ancient materials humans have ever used to express themselves— and then back again!

Remington registered name SF Lockedandloaded
(LBA Lodestar x HK Annatina)
The journey started with a chance photograph Mike took of Barb Mitchell's gelding, Remington. When I say "chance photograph" it's because Mike had actually brought along his camera to get some working pictures of my training session with Barb's gelding Buster. However, in and around those moments, Mike was finding other shots and this is one that we both love.

It was immediately obvious that this image would be a great one to use as a model for one of Mike's white (charcoal and chalk) equine portraits and we were right! It’s a big decision, deciding which subjects would best serve this type of art work. By choosing to work with white charcoal and chalk on a black board, Mike's opted for one of the most unforgiving of media. Unlike an oil or pencil or acrylic piece, there are no corrections. Once that soft white powder lands on that black board, to borrow and expression from Julius Caesar, the die is cast. It’s an irreversible act. It's forever more. Ticklish times when Mike's working on one of these!
We call this one simply "Remi" and are happy to say that whilte the original was purchased by a very good friend of ours, Mike had high resolutions scans done of the drawing and so we are also able to offer a limited number digital prints and canvases this image as well! So Remi has come full circle. High Tech-School of Ancient Expression-back to High Tech!
If you're interested in buying a piece of original art or a print or canvas, or maybe you'd like to commission an original piece of your own, don't be shy! Give us a call!
Kathy & Mike Troxler
(719) 660-3718