Reason #1- Arabian and Half-Arabian Sport Horse Exhibitors at the AAHA Tunica show have the chance to qualify for four Regions at one venue! On their roster of four Sport Horse Judges, two are slated to judge at the 2018 Arabian Sport Horse Nationals, Carole Bishop and Fatima Pawlenko-Kranz.

In addition to a great slate of judges, this show has a massive list of Sport Horse classes (and dressage) to choose from. You can find all the most up to date information about the show at the Alabama Arabian Horse Club website at https://www.alabamaarabian.com/
In the meantime, here's the tentative schedule for the Sport Horse In Hand and Sport Horse Under Saddle below, along with a link to download the pages as printable pdf files.
AHAA Arabian Show Sport Horse In Hand Classes

AHAA Arabian Show Sport Horse Under Saddle Classes