Look who's got the cover of the newest issue of National Horseman Arabian!

Vegaz! It's been fun watching the success of his foals and great to have a chance to meet him at Ryan Show Horses! There's a terrific article about Vegaz and how Ken and Susan Knipe rolled the dice on a two-year old colt, that turned out to be not only a super talented athlete, and is proving to be a significant sire!

The article mentions Ken's passionate enthusiasm for Vegaz, something that I spotted for myself in Tulsa! When I happened across Ken at the concession stand for coffee, I couldn't help but notice his shoes!

It didn't surprise me at all that Ken would have Vegaz inspired shoes! When I asked him where he got them, his answer "I made them myself" did make me laugh out loud! That's passion!
There's other cool stuff in this issue of National Horseman Arabian, including extensive coverage of the US Nationals! Sweet! Happy New Year everyone!