While it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a herd to make a horseman.
Every rider is the sum of the horses that they have ridden. In the case of my sister Sharon, she had some amazing teachers! As a celebration of Sharon's birthday, here's a salute to the "Horses that made Sha". And while these are not ALL OF THEM, they're all I could put together this morning!

Mitzi's gift was just that she was kind enough to put up with all of our shenanigans and just sassy enough to insist we do things right!

Dawn gave Sharon total honesty and together they went from never having run gymkhana events to what you see above! After years of providing Sharon with thrills, Dawn went on to another little girl!
Each and every one of the Arabians and Half Arabians Sharon competed on gave her something. Brook gave her his "all" in many, many classes and in one show, took her to a highpoint award that involved 10 classes in 3 days! Topper brought the fun back to showing after several years of working with a horse that you could just never predict! And Dee! Well, Dee simply upped that fun factor even more!

Haley gave Sharon the gift of being totally unfazed in front of one the biggest and nosiest crowds she'd ever seen! And just took care of business!

Breeze gave Sharon the gift of one of the most amazing athletic ability and trainability! A horse that never took an ungraceful stride in a ring and in all the years we showed him, NEVER anticipated a gait change, NEVER became ring sour and was NEVER naughty in the line up and ALWAYS stood great for his win photos!