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Morgan Tyler. The next step!

Writer's picture: Kathy TroxlerKathy Troxler

Kathy Troxler, Morgan Tyler and Harthrob 2016

Right now, I have 5 (maybe more) unfinished blog posts! Sometimes it's hard to decide which one to finish. Today, Facebook helped me out by showing me something I posted a year ago. It was 2 photos I put together to feature for Morgan's birthday! I had already knew I wanted to write a "Morgan post" but I got "bogged down" trying to decide where to start!

Should I start with today's point (her really cool new horse, Karwan) or should I start at the beginning. I decided that I should start at the beginning! Sort of!

Morgan and Kathy and Song. One of her first lessons.

The earliest picture we have of Morgan, is the one above. This is one of her first lessons with me with her mare named Song! I can't remember how old Morgan was, but couldn't have been more than 10!

Of course, it wasn't long before we were getting photos like this! Morgan and Reigning Phire (sired by the park horse Reign On, I'm sure his western pleasure career was a surprise to everyone!). Phire, at the current age of 29!, is just as much a "snorty gentleman" as ever!

Morgan and Axel

Morgan and MK Excelsior

Next up for Morgan, MK Excelsior, one of our "homebred" horses. Sired by Empyrean and out of "Queen Dee" (Deianira KA), the photo above (taken by Mike in our field in Colorado), is one of my all time favorites! It shows how much fun you're supposed to have! It also makes me just a pinch nostalgic for my "Colorado dirt". More on the true challenges of native NY "ground" later!

Fast forward to 2016 and Morgan flies out to NY to rekindle the "fun flame" with the Troxlers! I was really excited last year when Morgan was able to arrange her schedule to include a couple of horse shows in NY. After several busy years of college and starting a nursing career, she finally had some time to have some fun and it humbled and gratified us that of all the things this talented young lady could have chosen to spend her time and resources on, she wanted to show with the Troxler's again! Even if that meant doing things quite a bit differently than we had in the past! Morgan flew out to show Harthrob at the NY Empire Show in May. Welcome to NY Morgan! It was FREEZING!

Nonetheless, we had a terrific time and Morgan and Robby did great!

Morgan and Harthrob Empire 2016

Of course, on to the Region 16 Championship show in July! This time a road trip with her fiance Roy, who turned out to be fabulous show hubby material!

Once again, Morgan and Harthrob had a terrific show, bringing home ribbons in Trail and Western Pleasure ATR!

Morgan and Harthrob Reserve Champion Region 16 ATR Trail

Morgan and Harthrob, Region 16 Reserve Champions ATR Trail

Now, it's time to start anew! Morgan and I have a really cool new gelding to work with! It remains to be seen whether or not trail class will be "his thing" but so far I'm really liking him and am simply really happy to have another horse to train for Morgan!

Kathy Troxler and RA Karwan

RA Karwan

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