The reason for my lack of blog posts the past 2 weeks isn't caused by a lack of material, but rather, the exact opposite! My week long stay in the land of big sky, sun and sand generated a veritable "traffic jam" of photos and videos. So much, that I've had to spend much more time processing it all! So, one of the important things that I've learned (as a result of my first "concierge training" trip) is how video rendering and upload time can "block" my least until I get a new laptop! Until that time, the "big computer" is the "be all, end all" as far as blog postings!
Along with "rendering takes boat loads of time", I've learned that I have spend some time sorting out what goes into a "blog post" and what becomes part of each "clients page" on the Team Troxler Training website. On our website, each horse (Cali, Breeze, Amos, Reggie and Salsa) will have an individual resource page that will include their lesson pictures and video, suggested future workout scenarios and additional study material.
The blog is different. I try to keep the blog to "little bits of interesting"- a quick window into what (when it's done right) is a very long process. Because there is nothing "fast" about really good training.
For my first posting from "Team Troxler Fall Tune Up", I'm limiting myself to a single image as a "teaser", leaving to your imagination as to how much material I got out of my time with Breeze, Cali, Reggie, Salsa, Amos and "their people"!
Okay, maybe it's cheating to call it "one image" because I just couldn't limit myself to one... so I made a collage!
And I tell you that post number 2 from Colorado Fall Tune Up, is a series of 10 pictures that I'm calling "Line Dance"! 10 pictures that contain so much info that it's a good thing that a picture really is "worth a thousand words"!