
Kathy Troxler
Dec 9, 2020
Inspiration is Everywhere
Hero BF is Sharon’s current gray horse, and he’s a big, lovable beastie boy but once upon a time Sharon had another great gray gymkhana...

Kathy Troxler
Dec 8, 2020
Inspiration Is Everywhere…. But apparently horses provide alot of it for “horse girls”. The first “Spirit Horse” I made for Sharon was in...

Kathy Troxler
Dec 2, 2020
Do you know what a Breyer Horse is? Surely you do, but just in case you don't, a Breyer horse is a model horse made by the Breyer Horse...

Kathy Troxler
Nov 20, 2020
#heroandsha 2014
The story of Hero and Sha begins long before you see the first pictures of Sharon and Hero together. Like any horse, adult Hero is made...

Kathy Troxler
Nov 10, 2020
#heroandsha 2012
In the beginning, before there was a Hero and Sha, there was baby Hero. Brought up like we raise all our foals, with a lot of hands on...

Kathy Troxler
Jul 4, 2020
Happy Independence Day!
It really wasn't very hard to find a tie to the celebration of American independence, Virginia and horses! As it turns out, the horse...

Kathy Troxler
May 6, 2020
Managing Lactating Mares with Cindy Reich
There’s nothing more exciting and gratifying than producing a foal from your favorite mare. After all the care and consideration that has...

Kathy Troxler
May 2, 2020
The Genius of Paul Woolridge
The satirical and artisitic genius of Paul Wooldridge

Kathy Troxler
Apr 26, 2020
Of Beasts, Moonlight and Maine
Of all the blog posts I’ve set out to write, this one, about Evelyn Baig and Rella has taken me the longest to complete. Full...

Kathy Troxler
Apr 26, 2020
Arabian Stallion! Sannoon! Who???
Very Early advertisement for Arabian Stallion Sannoon

Kathy Troxler
Apr 26, 2020
Why Print?
I love books and history. I love old magazines. Deciding which ones in my boxes would make the cut when we moved to New York was pretty...

Kathy Troxler
Apr 5, 2020
Fundamentals Pay Off!!
Originally published in July 2017, this relates many of the recent photos of the behind the scene training of Bond and Hero! A lot of...

Kathy Troxler
Mar 24, 2020
Every Little Bit Helps
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do"---a simple statement that says volumes. In times of crisis, there are...

Kathy Troxler
Nov 22, 2019
Debuting at Central Park-Alice and Del
Alice Spinella one of the lucky riders to show her Arabian in Central Park at the 2017 Arabian US Open.

Kathy Troxler
Nov 20, 2019
Getting good horse photos..."Roll With It"
First let me make one thing really clear. It's not false modesty that has me repeating "Mike is a great photographer, and I'm lucky"!...

Kathy Troxler
Nov 20, 2019
Highlander Part Two!
There was a big delay between my two posts about Highlander... Highlander Part One and now, Part Two! MK Highlander and Roberta Herring...

Kathy Troxler
Nov 20, 2019
The Story of MK Highlander - Part One-He wasn't always called "The Professor"
MK Highlander+ (Empyrean x KJ Kambara) He was always pushing the limits of good behavior...just a little bit! He is the smartest, fastest...

Kathy Troxler
Nov 5, 2019
Motivational Monday!
Inspiration comes in many forms. It's defined as "the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something", and for me the right...

Kathy Troxler
Aug 27, 2019
The Travels of Whiskey Hill
This story of travel is about when the modest travels of Team Trox intersected with the (much more extensive) travels of Cheryl and Joe....

Kathy Troxler
Apr 23, 2019
An Evening With Dancing Horses
It's amazing what we can do with a bit of cooperation, creativity and guts! Example...the Arabian Costume Musical Presentation at the...