
Kathy Troxler
Aug 12, 2021
Lessons with Mulan: "The Bridge"
Here’s little taste of just some of the bits of training that we’ve covered with Mulan in the past couple of months. Mikalla hopped up on...

Kathy Troxler
Aug 12, 2021
Lessons with Mushu and Mulan
The horses at WGA Equine are some of our best teaching assistants and “Mushu” is already following in Mama Mini’s hoof-prints. Minuette...

Kathy Troxler
Jun 11, 2021
Beet Pulp: It's Not Just For Winter
I’m not writing this to convince anyone to make beet pulp mash. I’m simply sharing what we learned when we fed beet pulp mash-and a lot of i